When the shelter-in-place order began in March, 2020, I starting writing a blog post a day. Back then, it seemed all we had to do was to wait inside. The Angel of Death would fly by, then we'd all be back to normal. Each post I wrote, I tagged with the COVID-19 category. At some point when it became apparent the pandemic was only going to get worse, I stopped writing daily posts.

Now that is it January 2021, I see that the COVID-19 category is meaningless because I could place every post into that category. Yes, life is now different. It is centered around being at home and not traveling. But I no longer see it defined by COVID-19, just constrained by it. I am at home appreciating my surroundings and taking this opportunity to stay fit, learn new things, read more, and listen to more music. Thus, I changed the name of COVID-19 to At Home.