Last Friday, Cal Fire gave the great light to "repopulate" our area. It's not that the CZU Complex fire was out, but the threat to our area diminished. As of today, the fire is about 42% contained, but it is not moving in our direction. The air is certainly cleaner, and not as smokey as it was in this image taken over a week ago.
I'm sure the air quality isn't perfect, but it's all relative. My eye aren't stinging and my lungs don't feel as if I've been holed up in a smokey room. I have been mostly staying indoors, with windows closed, and the HVAC on. The air filters will likely need to be changed soon.
Despite the pollution and where ever I was sheltering, I managed to get in my 10,000+ steps per day (my average is 12,000). I debated with myself whether exercising in polluted air was better than becoming a couch potato. I decided on the exercise.