Digital Dialogues are small study groups sponsored by the Photographic Society of America. There are currently 99 groups, each of which has from five to eight members and a particular focus—monochrome, fine art, creative, travel, and so on. Each month, members submit one photograph and provide critiques of other people’s images. It’s a great way to improve photographic skills.
I recently learned that there is one group for video. I thought that by joining, it would be just the kick I need to take up video again. Because video is so time consuming, the requirement is to post one short video (< 5 minutes) every other month. The group wasn’t taking any new members until recently, when someone dropped out. I didn't have enough time to shoot and edit new footage for my first submission, so I made some small edits to a video I had done previously about The Ice Hotel in Sweden. I am looking forward to capturing new footage this year, starting next month when I travel to Death Valley.